Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's a boy!!!

We had a routine doctors appointment today, we were the last appointment of the day and the nurse had trouble getting heart tones with the Doppler (it really takes skill at this point in the pregnancy and she's new) so when Dr. Lowe came in she said lets go do an ultrasound for fun. We have a significant history Dr. Lowe and I seeing as we have been through a lot together with the surgeries and infertility but anyway we went into the ultrasound room and the baby was all over the place bouncing around. Marcus asked when will we be able to know the sex? She said we can try to look now but she didn't guarantee anything would show just yet I am only 14 weeks 3 days. Well up on the screen pops meat and potatoes as Marcus puts it and she says yup it's a boy after four wide spread leg shots later. So for 20 minutes we got to look at the baby and just play around with him. Dr. Lowe is great and I it really made our day. I know I wanted a girl but I think this is God's way of telling me to have two. If it was a girl we wouldn't be having any more :) So Marcus is grinning ear to ear as we walk out of the Doctor's office. We then went to Babies R Us and of course added a million and one boy things to a registry. We are still stuck on the names but we have plenty of time for that. So it's official we are having a BOY!

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