Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doctor's appointment

Went to the doctor today, gained 4lbs and my BP is up still so we are doing a 24 hour urine and if that shows 300+ of protein we are gonna have a baby on Thursday! I am so ready!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Doctor's appointment

So I am now 4cm and 70% but not in active labor! I am miserable and hope he comes soon. I am having irregular contractions and cramping often so technically I have been in labor since Sunday!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Doctor's appointment

No changes today still 3cm 60% effaced and still contracting, so we are just watching and waiting. I did lose some weight which usually happens before delivery, and my mucus plug is gone as well. We are egar to get things going and hoping he will be here soon. I am ready, getting pretty miserable with the contractions and all. Not to much longer we hope.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

False Alarm......

Well all night long on Saturday I was having contractions not strong, but pretty forceful, and very irregular after a bath and some Tylenol they didn't ease up so I called the doctor at 8:30 am and she told me to come on in since I was already dilated. So we got there and I was checked still 2cm 50% effaced so she watched me for an hour, I was contracting irregularly for the whole hour, some were 2 mins apart others were 5 so very inconsistent. After the 1st hour there was little change but she wanted to wait another hour since my contractions were so close together and pretty strong. Well after another hour I was 3cm 60% effaced so she made the determination I was in labor and admitted me. We got comfortable in our room and she started the IV, well after I got 500mL's of fluid the contractions stalled out and after 6 hours of walking, sleeping and very spaced out contractions I was released. So we had a major false alarm, my doctor thought for sure we are gonna have a baby and so did I. Those IV fluids was all it took so now we just wait and see. So needless to say we are still pregnant and I am now having contractions on and off.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I am dialatetd!

Went to the doctor today and I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced! So he may make an entrance into the world within the next two weeks or so! I hope sooner than later! Exciting! I didn't gain any weight but that isn't surprising seeing we are so close to the end and it's so hot outside. Exciting!