Sunday, August 23, 2009


After a week of elevated blood pressures and the diagnosis of preclampsia Dr. Lowe decided to send me on over to be induced. It was kind of a surprise I went to the office for some blood work and when the nurse took my blood pressure she told me she was going to have to notify Dr. Lowe since it was high. In comes Dr. Lowe and she says "Lets go have a baby, you really need to be delivered". I was nervous considering I was 37 weeks but ready to get things moving I had been feeling pretty horrible the last week or so and knew something was up. Needless to say I called Marcus and we headed to the hospital. Once we arrived we notified the family to be en route seeing as they were traveling 4 hours.

We we arrived I was greeted by a familiar face Kelly a nurse that had taken care of me on a previous admission so my nerves were calmed some what as I got into my lovely hospital gown. We arrived at the hospital at 10:15 am on July 23, 2009, after my IV was going, and my pitocin was started I began to have contractions. Not terrible ones but never the less contractions. I was already 4 1/2 cm and 90% effaced in the doctors office so I was expecting to go pretty quick, boy did Xavier have other plans for his arrival into this world.

At about 12 Dr. Lowe came in and broke my water, that got things moving, but I was still comfortable enough to update my facebook status and talk on the phone. The contractions were pretty regular and increasing in intensity, so I decided after talking with Kelly the nurse to get my epidural. Well that whole process was a nightmare to say the least. It took 6 attempts to finally get the epidural in, it was worse than the contractions I was having, at that point I was in tears and really upset. Finally after the epidural set in and my blood pressure stabilized (it dropped really low) I took a nap. It helped calm my nerves and give me some much needed energy. During the nap the nurse adjusted my pitocion numerous times finally at 4:00 she checked me and I had progressed to 6cm. So some progress was being made. My mom and dad as well as Marcus' mom and brother arrived at around 4:30.

Over the next few hours my pitocin continued to be adjusted and I was kept comfortable, at about 7:00 my new nurse Delma arrived on duty. She was another wonderful caring nurse I had during my stay. She checked me and I was not making as much progress as we had expected, considering I was 4 1/2 cm when I arrived and had been that way for nearly a week. I was only 7cm and my pitocin was on pretty high. After a few more pitocin adjustments in comes Dr. Lowe and the nurse, Xavier's heart rate was begining to dip letting us know he was in a little distress. So they decided to place an internal monitor on to monitor him more closely. No more than 20 minutes passed and in comes Dr. Roncone one of Dr. Lowe's partner's and tells me his heart rate is not reassuring and we need to stop my pitocin to give him a break, so on went the dreaded oxygen mask. Up until this point I had been a patient now I was beginning to panic and be a nurse thinking of Xavier and what could go wrong. Delma checked me again and I was still hanging on to 7cm.

Well I finally got to 9cm at 10:30 after literally getting on all fours (while numb from my epidural) for an hour and numerous pitocin rest for his dropping heart rate, Delma never left my side. At 12 when Dr. Lowe checked me I was still 9cm and he was just not descending so Dr. Lowe made the call to do a c-section. He wasn't handling the contractions well, my BP was dropping, I was running a fever, my epidural had worn off, and things weren't progressing. So Xavier finally arrived via c-section on July 24, 2009 at 1:05 am. He was 7lbs and 20 inches long!

So my birthing experience wasn't the beautiful moment I had envisioned and I didn't get to enjoy his first few hours of his life due to some complications with the c-section (they ended up knocking me out) but I will never forget the moment my eyes met his for the first time. What an amazing experience regardless of how he got here. I'd do it again in a heart beat. So we found out he was sunny side up and had his neck turned so he was stuck. Poor baby had bruises on his head, ear, and neck from the laboring process.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doctor's appointment

Went to the doctor today, gained 4lbs and my BP is up still so we are doing a 24 hour urine and if that shows 300+ of protein we are gonna have a baby on Thursday! I am so ready!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Doctor's appointment

So I am now 4cm and 70% but not in active labor! I am miserable and hope he comes soon. I am having irregular contractions and cramping often so technically I have been in labor since Sunday!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Doctor's appointment

No changes today still 3cm 60% effaced and still contracting, so we are just watching and waiting. I did lose some weight which usually happens before delivery, and my mucus plug is gone as well. We are egar to get things going and hoping he will be here soon. I am ready, getting pretty miserable with the contractions and all. Not to much longer we hope.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

False Alarm......

Well all night long on Saturday I was having contractions not strong, but pretty forceful, and very irregular after a bath and some Tylenol they didn't ease up so I called the doctor at 8:30 am and she told me to come on in since I was already dilated. So we got there and I was checked still 2cm 50% effaced so she watched me for an hour, I was contracting irregularly for the whole hour, some were 2 mins apart others were 5 so very inconsistent. After the 1st hour there was little change but she wanted to wait another hour since my contractions were so close together and pretty strong. Well after another hour I was 3cm 60% effaced so she made the determination I was in labor and admitted me. We got comfortable in our room and she started the IV, well after I got 500mL's of fluid the contractions stalled out and after 6 hours of walking, sleeping and very spaced out contractions I was released. So we had a major false alarm, my doctor thought for sure we are gonna have a baby and so did I. Those IV fluids was all it took so now we just wait and see. So needless to say we are still pregnant and I am now having contractions on and off.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I am dialatetd!

Went to the doctor today and I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced! So he may make an entrance into the world within the next two weeks or so! I hope sooner than later! Exciting! I didn't gain any weight but that isn't surprising seeing we are so close to the end and it's so hot outside. Exciting!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Doctor apt

My appointment today went well, no ketones in the urine, my BP was great and I gained 1lb (total of 17) so things are better. Finally a little good news after a week of pretty crummy news!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


So after battling a virus for almost a week it won and I ended up in the hospital to get IV fluids.....I just stayed about 6 hours and they pumped me full of 3000 mL's of fluid and potassium and sent me on my way. My WBC count was elevated which is a little cause for concern but I am feeling better and the cramping and contractions are gone so hope that did the trick. According to my urine and lab work I was pretty dehydrated, I follow up with my OB on Wednesday and I'm gonna take it easy for the next few days.....I have to keep him in there at least a few more weeks!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Doctor apt

Went to the doctor today....things were not so good I'm having a little trouble with ketones and protein in my urine so she is watching me fore preeclampsia.....hope it doesn't develop but I am not feeling so hot. I am having uterine irritablilty (cramping) and some nausea so we are watching close and going in to see her weekly now. I didn't gain any weight but I am sure it's becuase I haven't felt much like eating lately. Hope things get better! On a positve note he is now head down and that is a relief!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Maternity photos!

Here are some of our maternity photos! They are great!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Baby Shower

The baby shower was a hit! Thanks to everyone that came! We had a great time! Now we have to sort through all our goodies! Fun fun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Maternity photos!

We had our maternity photos taken yesterday and we can't wait to see them....I will post them just as soon as I get them. Just 4 days until the baby shower and just 9 weeks and 4 days til he's here!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

30 weeks!

We are 30 weeks today! (7.5 months) I'm feeling the effects of the last trimester I tell ya, I am tired all the time and have an endless desire to's almost time just 10 weeks to go. For the past week or so I have been having some heart palpations so my OB doctor recommended I see a cardiologist so we have an appointment with him on Monday and are hoping it's nothing major and just pregnancy related. And we have our OB doctor's appointment on Tuesday and lets hope he flips soon so we don't have to have a c/s. We are getting maternity pictures done on Monday as well and our baby shower is a week from today so we have a busy week ahead of us. We are expecting a lot of friends and family and I am so happy. We are leaving for KY on Thursday!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Doctor's appointment.

So today went well, had my gestational diabetes test and will await the results. Gained some more weight so that is good total 17lbs now (not thrilled about that with 80 days to go but oh well). From here on out we see Dr. Lowe every other week. It's getting close!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We got his bedding in the mail today from Aunt Carol and cousins Jamie and Lauren! I was so excited I had to wash it and put it on his bed. It's so cute!

Monday, May 11, 2009

4D Video!

3D Ultrasound!!

3D Ultrasound!!

What an amazing experience! It was so neat to see his face and see him smile and move. Very touching! We did find out that he is breech! Bad boy already, hopefully he will turn! He is measuring 2lb 7oz which is great for his size. So far it looks like he has his daddy's lips and my nose but we'll see.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

27 weeks!

So I am 27 weeks today and feeling very large....just feels like I have really increased in size here in the past week or so. Can't shave my legs like I used to and getting off the couch and climbing over Abby is getting a little harder. LOL! We had a dinner party with Marcus' company last night at PF Changs it was great. We got our first official baby gifts! It was fun and nice to see Marcus' co-workers. There was about 22 of us. The food was great as always and the company even better.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


So for the past few days I've been having some trouble with's not pre-term labor but it can turn into that so I have tried my hardest to drink lots of water and relax. Dr. Lowe thinks it's related to my scar tissue from my surgeries and to stay hydrated and rest so that is what I am doing. I will be 27 weeks on Saturday (one week shy of my 3rd trimester) and I only have 13 more to go if I make it to 36 I'll be happy. I have a gut feeling he will be prediction he will be here by July 28th. Just a feeling, but then again I thought we were having a girl so ya know how off I am. Hell or high water he will be here by the August 4th....even if that means an induction. We are having a3D/ 4D ultrasound on Monday which I am excited about our last one wasn't impressive. Hopefully he will let us get some better pictures....he tends to be very active and moves a lot so they have trouble getting good pictures. Stubborn like me already! Marcus' company is also throwing us a baby shower tomorrow which will be neat, nothing fancy just a group of about 18 going out to eat at PF Chang's (my favorite restaurant lately). And my maternity pictures are schedules for June 1st, I am hoping for some outside so that should be interesting. No bare belly shots for me I am not that brave. Fun times....can't wait to met him.....all in good timing that is. :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Doctor's appointment.

Went to the doctor today and I've gained 4lbs since the last visit for a total of 11lbs. Everything is right on time....I am measuring 26 weeks which I will be on Saturday so that's great. Next appointment I have to do a glucose tolerance test which won't be to fun but an evil necessity. So we have 102 till due date.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

6 months (24 weeks) almost to 3rd trimester!

Today marks a very important date, I am now 24 weeks or 6 months and almost in my 3rd and final trimester. Xavier is about one pound and 12 inches's hard to believe I have taken care of babies in the NICU that were his size and gestation (age). He will be here in just a few short months and I am ready!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kidney stone!!

So I've been having this left flank (side) pain for a while now so my OB sent me to have a renal u/s done and come to find out I have a kidney stone. The u/s was no fun at all, I had to drink 32oz of water at 7:30 and hold it until I had the u/s at 9:00. By the time the tech came to get me I thought I was going to pass out. Holding you pee is normally hard but having a baby pushing on your bladder makes it just that much more difficult. So needless to say I am not a happy camper, the horrible problem is I can't do anything about it because I'm pregnant and the good meds are out the door. So I basically have to suffer and hope it passes soon with ease. No fun! After reading about it apparently if you have had any kidney stones in the past you are more likely to have them resurface while pregnant. And more often then not the don't pass until you deliver. So wish me no pain and luck passing it I'll need it! I am 22 weeks 6 days, Kristen the x-ray tech wanted to peek at the baby when I had the renal u/s and she printed me this picture for fun. He was doing breathing exercises and won't stay still for a good picture because my bladder was the size of a watermelon and was taking up his space. He was sucking his fingers at one point. This was the only thing good that came out of the renal u/s.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baby Shower Invitations!

The baby shower invitations are sent along with directions!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

04/02/09 Doctor visit!

I am now 21 weeks 5 days and +7lbs (total). We went to the doctor today and had our 21 week ultrasound and everything looks great! Things are moving right along! And yes it's still a boy! He weighs in at 15 oz which is perfect!

21 week 5 day ultrasound pictures!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Baby Shower Cake!!!

Emily the lady we are using to make the baby shower cake sent me a drawing from my idea's it's so cute!!! I love it! The polka dots are going to be green, blue and brown, his name in green and there will be a monkey on it some where. I love it!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Half Way!

We are now 20 weeks or 5 months....half way! Exciting!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby Shower!

So this past weekend my mom and I got things rolling on the baby shower. It will be on June 6th from 2-5, and it will be at the Ft. Knox officers club and for those who remember this is where Marcus and I got married. So it's special! Anyhow as of right now are are also looking into talking with Holiday Inn Express for those who are coming from out of town so you have a place to stay with a discount...I will be sending out the invites sometime in April. Exciting!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Doctor's appointment.

We went to the doctor on Tuesday and things are great, I finally gained 2lbs which a bit of a relief. So I am almost 19 weeks and have a net weight gain of +2, with the vomiting I can hardly get in the all the calories I need so this is telling me things are getting better. I'm still taking the Zofran pretty often and according to Dr. Lowe will probably continue to take it until I deliver....some women are unlucky and continue to have morning sickness throughout their pregnancy and leave it to me. I'm still having trouble sleeping and she reassured me this is common and gave me a Rx for Ambien to try for a week, well I took it last night at 12 and still woke up at 4:30 so not so sure that' it's gonna do the trick but I'll give it another shot. We have a 4D ultrasound April 2 with our next appointment and we are looking forward to that. I posted some pictures of his monkey decorations we put up this weekend. We also have a mirror that will go next to his changer just have to get the up. Things are slowly coming together and it's neat to see. Hard to believe he'll be here in about 4 months. We are off to KY for a visit this weekend before they get few are far between, I'm excited to see my friends and get away for a while and Marcus needs a break from work!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

18 weeks!

Another milestone 18 weeks today! This isn't a very good picture, I was having a bad day...Zofran wasn't working to well, but I don't want to look back and say why didn't I have any pictures of myself while I was pregnant so here it is in all it's glory.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First movement!

The night before last I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep and felt a funny sensation in my stomach it lasted for about 15 seconds I didn't really think anything of it and chalked it up to gas (lol) until I rolled over to my other side and felt it again but this time a little more intense and it lasted longer. Well then last night I took a bubble bath and felt it again so now I am convinced it's him moving. It's right around the time I should be feeling things so it's exciting although Marcus won't feel it for another month or so. It's an amazing thing. Guess he likes it on my left side and enjoys long bubble baths :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

17 weeks!

Yet another milestone! I am 17 weeks! Still having trouble with the morning sickness and by now it should be gone but for those unlucky few it sticks around. As new symptoms appear such as leg cramps, not sleeping, and continuous heart burn, it's clear to me we are almost half way there and the end is in sight. Our furniture is scheduled to be delivered Tuesday and that is exciting.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Paint Complete!!!

His room is now green!!! I hate to paint and yes I will admit his room is the only room in our entire house that is a color other than cream....we moved into our brand new house with the paint from the builder and because I hate to paint so much we haven't changed it....but any way here it is in all it's glory....finished!! The furniture should be here in about a week!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Xavier's closet!

Ya he already has a ton of clothes! I got everything on sale!

Xavier's room

Here is his empty room....we are picking paint soon and hope the furniture will be here in a few weeks!

16 weeks!

Here is my first pregnancy photo.....16 weeks and finally have a bump it popped out this week! It makes it feel so real!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


We are thinking this one! I like the fact is goes from a crib, to a toddler bed, then to a full size bed. The armoire will be a wardrobe for now and then a perfect place for the TV later and the changer will later become a dresser. It matches our houses wood work perfectly and is one of the top cribs on consumer reports. It's versatile and will last until the kids goes to college or the kid sister comes along (so we hope). We have looked at a million different places and as for price and quality you can't go wrong with Babies R Us.

Xavier's room

We picked out the bedding isn't it cute!!! We are gonna go with a green & brown theme with monkey's. Now the crib we are thinking about is way different than this one...once I find pictures I'll put them on here.

15 weeks

Ya 15 weeks today!!! Another mile stone!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Xavier Robert Livers

So the name will be drum roll please..... Xavier Robert......finally we have decided!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's a boy!!!

We had a routine doctors appointment today, we were the last appointment of the day and the nurse had trouble getting heart tones with the Doppler (it really takes skill at this point in the pregnancy and she's new) so when Dr. Lowe came in she said lets go do an ultrasound for fun. We have a significant history Dr. Lowe and I seeing as we have been through a lot together with the surgeries and infertility but anyway we went into the ultrasound room and the baby was all over the place bouncing around. Marcus asked when will we be able to know the sex? She said we can try to look now but she didn't guarantee anything would show just yet I am only 14 weeks 3 days. Well up on the screen pops meat and potatoes as Marcus puts it and she says yup it's a boy after four wide spread leg shots later. So for 20 minutes we got to look at the baby and just play around with him. Dr. Lowe is great and I it really made our day. I know I wanted a girl but I think this is God's way of telling me to have two. If it was a girl we wouldn't be having any more :) So Marcus is grinning ear to ear as we walk out of the Doctor's office. We then went to Babies R Us and of course added a million and one boy things to a registry. We are still stuck on the names but we have plenty of time for that. So it's official we are having a BOY!

It's a boy!!!

Another confirmation of the meat and potatoes :P

It's a boy!!!

Here is the u/s that shows it's a boy!

Monday, February 9, 2009

So we are having a debate about names mostly about the boy names. I like Xavier for the first name, Marcus thinks it's a middle name and likes Christian. I don't like Chris so I am not feeling Christian. So my vote Xavier Christian and Marcus likes Christian Xavier. So thoughts anyone? For the girl I am on the fence I have always said Janessa but I am liking Rylee, Kaylynn, and Arianna (pronounced Are-Eee-Aun-Ah), with the middle name Colleen (that's my middle name and my mom's). Any votes? We won't know what we are having until March so we have a while but can't help but think ahead.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

End of First trimester!!

Today marks the beginning of my second trimester! Hopefully the nausea and vomiting will be gone and I will feel better soon! Although my pants are tight and my belly is getting bigger I don't have a bump yet...I am sure it will be here soon enough! I just can't wait to look pregnant instead of just feeling that way!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today we had the ultrascan with the high risk OB doctor. Wow things sure have changed with the baby since the first one we did, it looks like a real baby now. It was amazing, I don't even have a belly yet the baby is fully formed and moving all around. It was so great, the hear the heart beat again and it was 167 again! The ultrasound portion of the test was within normal limits so now it's just a waiting game for the blood work. The pictures were amazing! It is becoming so real! I can't wait to find out what it is in late March! My next doctor's appointment is on 02/12!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

In the Hospital!

I have been really battling severe vomiting for the past three days, I can't hold anything down, and I feel horrible. I have also been experience some cramping so I made an emergency appointment with Dr. Lowe. I lost 8 pounds since our appointment just one week ago, by blood pressure was low 97/59, my heart rate was 116 and thready, I was weak, and my urine was very positive for ketones (meaning I was dehydrated) so Dr. Lowe decided to admit me to the OB unit for fluids and hyperemesis. While in the hospital I had an ultrasound just to check everything out and everything was fine, the babies heart rate was 167. The cramping was due to me being severely dehydrated. I spent one night in the hospitals and was released at 9 pm on the 23rd. I felt so much better afterwards and have been able to control by nausea and vomiting with the medications. I don't know what happened I had been doing so well. I am much better now and glad things are moving right along. The past two weeks have been pretty rough but I know things will get better.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Second Doctor's appointment!

Today was our second appointment! It was a nice one the baby's heart rate was 172 (much different than before). I didn't gain any weight which was fine and everything seemed to be moving right along. We did some routine blood work and discussed having an ultrascreen done at a high risk OB. It is an ultrasound combined with blood work to test for spinal defects, and trisomy syndromes. I elected to do it even though the risk was low just to be safe. Also due to my insulin resistance related to my PCOS I also had a glucose tolerance test, it was within normal limits which was reassuring seeing that I am pre-disposed to gestational diabetes because of the PCOS, we will repeat the test in the future to make sure I don't develop gestations diabetes later in pregnancy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

IV fluids!

Today hasn't been a very good day! I worked five days straight can home on Monday night and came home feeling pretty crummy, I had a slight fever, and thought I was coming down with something so I spent all of Tuesday in bed, I called Dr. Lowe and she sent me to get some IV fluids and a blood/urine work-up and I ended up having a kidney infection. :( no fun when your pregnant. I felt so much better after a liter of fluids, some nausea medications, and some antibiotics. Guess working 5 in a row really takes a toll on me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Maternity Clothes

So we were in Old Navy today and they had some really cute summer maternity clothes on sale so I racked up...why not they were on sale right? So today I bought some maternity outfits! It was fun!